Thursday, August 14, 2008

Hello, Not Voting for Candidate A Is a Vote for Candidate B

This just boggles my mind, and it's true on both sides of the fence. Most recently it has come out McCain might choose a pro-abortion candidate. So, the answer? To not vote for McCain? And that means what? Obama, who is clearly much less conservative, wins? That would be the preferred outcome? And the Democrats are just as bad. Some HRC supporters, for example, will refuse to vote for Obama. So they would prefer that McCain would win, someone who would be much less representative of Democratic ideals? So some people would rather let someone who is less representative of their values win rather than vote for someone who doesn't exactly represent their values? Look people, the next president will either be Obama or McCain and not voting is not going to change that. So it would behoove you to vote for the candidate who more closely represents your values if for no other reason to keep out of office someone who would be even less representative of your values. If you withhold your vote because your party's candidate has offended you in some way, the only one you are hurting by not voting is yourself. If neither candidate is your ideal candidate that is irrelevant and pouting about it isn't going to change that. If you are smart you can suck it up and accept that your only options are McCain or Obama and vote for which ever is the next best thing and most closely represents your values (or against whichever is the next worst thing) or you can go off and pout and get what you get which might end up being the worse of the two for your values. To make the point, for those who oppose abortion rights, if McCain were to choose a pro-abortion VP, you would prefer to have a President AND a VP who stand for abortion rights than to vote for a ticket where only the VP is pro-abortion? And for HRC supporters, you would rather have McCain as president than vote for Obama? Yes, voting has consequences and so does not voting. Are you willing to accept the results and consequences of not voting? Remeber, what you choose to do, whether to vote or not, on November 2 this year has consequences for whether Obama or McCain is in the Whitehouse on January 20 of next year.

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