Monday, May 18, 2009

Be Careful What You Wish For

Nancy Pelosi is hellbent on a partisan witch hunt, aka "truth commission," to go after individuals who, right or wrong, had the audacity to have a different opinion that the authorized liberal ideology. Now, it seems that that witch hunt has shed a light on skeletons in her own closet. Now, the Republicans are employing the favorite tactic of liberals of the "what did she know and when did she know it" witch hunt. Even President Obama advised against the pursuit of this witch hunt. But Nancy Pelosi in her all-consuming vindictive obsession with anyone who dare oppose the liberal ideology, refused that advice and is now paying the price of that short-sightedness. But then when anyone calls for a "truth commission," truth is usually the last thing on the agenda, or it is at best selective truth to support the preconceptions and agenda.

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