Thursday, January 14, 2010

Tax or Vigilantism?

Obama says he wants to levy a tax on ALL financial institutions regardless of whether or not they received TARP finds and whether or not having received them they have paid them back. His justification? They are all to blame. Really? He gets to decide that unilaterally? So we're also going to punish financial institutions that acted responsibly, for no other reason than that they are financial institutions and therefore deserve to be punished anyway just because we don't like them much? I thought we had a court system to levy blame for wrongdoing. If they have done something wrong that deserves punishment, then in our system of government, that is supposed to be decided in the courts. Punishing people or organizations outside of the purview of the legal system is simply vigilantism. In this case, using the tax system as the cudgel. This is not entirely unexpected since liberals see nothing wrong with taxing people regardless of any factual merit simply because they don't like them very much.

In a system of "rule of law," citizens and organizations are supposed to be able to be assured of living in peace without government harassment if they follow the law. Unfortunately, liberal politicians have no qualms about molesting law abiding citizens simply because they don't like them very much. Liberals seem to think there are two governments: the government that derives from the US Constitution and the one imposed by liberal demagogues that hand down their own social order, regardless of what the Constitution says, often times using the very mechanisms that were originally intended to implement the Constitution. To avoid harassment by the government it is not sufficient to follow the law but one must also appease the liberal demagogues. Vigilantism is alive and well within our own government. Sadly we don't object as long as it is someone else being harassed. Liberals have learned well from McCarthy.

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